Tag: writing
Reinventing Youth Ministry [Again]
Last year I wrote a book summarizing pretty much all that I have to say about the past, present and future of youth ministry. The book is titled Reinventing Youth Ministry [Again]: From Bells and Whistles to Flesh and Blood and it was just released this month by InterVarsity Press. I began my youth ministry…
Generation to Generation
My new book Generation to Generation was released a couple of weeks ago by Standard Publishing. I just got my copies and I’ve been handing them out to family and friends like a new father handing out cigars. Writing a book and childbirth have a lot in common I think. The process is painful but…
Would you buy this book?
OK folks, I’ve written a book which will be published later on this year … part memoir, part youth ministry rant … and the publisher has suggested this cover design. There’s still time to change things, so your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Everything is up for grabs … concept, images, title, subtitle, etc. ……
Help Choose the Cover of My New Book
Standard Publishing has asked for some feedback on two cover designs for my new book Generation to Generation. What do you think? Which do you like best? Keep in mind that this is a book for parents. Click on the images to make them larger.
Shameless Plug for My New Book
I have a new book which just came out titled Engaging Parents as Allies, a book for youth workers on how to work with parents. It’s part of a three-book series called “Youth Ministry in the Trenches” which the publisher packaged with a bit of a military theme (little toy soldiers, etc.) The other two…
Writing to Serve
While I was teaching youth ministry at San Diego Christian College (seems like ages ago) I met a very talented woman named Maria Keckler, who taught English and computer literacy among other things. She currently is developing a new website for Christian writers called Writing to Serve. She recently interviewed me for an article which…