
I’ve written or co-written a bunch of books over the years for youth workers, parents and teenagers. Some are still available from your favorite bookseller, but most of them are out of print and more difficult to find.

Below are some of the books I’ve written which may still be available. If you have trouble finding them online, let me know. I might have one I can send you from my private stash.

  • Long Distance Grandparenting (Bethany House)
  • Reinventing Youth Ministry Again (InterVarsity Press)
  • Generation to Generation (Standard Publishing)
  • Engaging Parents as Allies in Youth Ministry (Standard Publishing)
  • There’s a Teenager in My House (InterVarsity Press)
  • Understanding Your Teenager (Word/UYT)
  • Cleared for Takeoff (Word/UYT)
  • Play It! (Zondervan)
  • Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks (Zondervan)
  • Still More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks (Zondervan)
  • Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks, Volume 4 (Zondervan)
  • Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks CD-Rom Verson (Zondervan)
  • Junior High Ministry Revised and Expanded (Zondervan)


7 Responses to Books

  1. William Fernandez says:

    Hi, i need some ones books

    Were i buy it?

    thank you


    • Wayne Rice says:

      Thanks for your inquiry.
      If you will let me know which books you want, I can give you a quote on how much it will cost. You can then send payment via PayPal and I will ship the books. You are in Guatemala City, correct?

  2. Jayna Hoppel says:

    My husband has used your Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks in his adult Sunday school class devotions. The adults really like the stories and the meanings behind them just as much as the youth do. I’ve ordered him books 1, 3 and 4 of the series. I don’t see book 2 in the list. How do I also get book 2 of this series? Thank you for your time.

  3. Good day dear Mr. Rice
    I hope this message finds you in good health and spirit
    20 years ago, when I was a youth worker back in Lebanon, your books (Hot Illustrations, More Hot.. Still More…) had immensely helped my ministry for the youth. I serve in a Armenian Community in SoCal and basically my congregation is Armenians, but I still have lots of connections with pastors and youth leaders who are spreading the Word of God in Armenia. That is why I have the vision of writing/assembling a book in Armenian that would contain lots of practical illustrations and real life stories to be used primarily by Armenian Pastors in Armenia who have little access to English resources for the fact of not being so proficient in English.

    My basic question is the following: If I want to use some of the stories that appeared in your books, beside those that I will assemble from other sources, where would I get the copywrite permission from? from you or Zondervan publishing? Can you help me in this matter. I truly appreciate your feedback.

    Looking forward to hear from you
    I remain prayerful

    Pasadena, CA

  4. Brian Sterley says:

    I have many of your books. You have been a blessing to me through your writing. God bless you again and again, and as always

    Keep the SON in our eyes. Brian Sterley

  5. Brian Sterley says:

    You have been a blessing to me.

  6. Judson Whilden says:

    Hello, I’m trying to get a copy of Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks CD-Rom Verson (Zondervan) and can’t seem to find a copy. Can you help me out please? Thank you.

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