Bluegrass Bios

I have a website for bluegrass DJ’s (like me) called Bluegrass Bios. To get to it click here.

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Our XLIII Anniversary

Marci and I never forget how many years we’ve been married because our January 27 anniversary date is forever linked to the number of Super Bowls that have taken place (43 this year) … plus it always falls on the about the same weekend. We always try to celebrate our anniversary as big as we can (depending on what we can afford to do at the time). This year, we were blessed to be able to make a return trip to New Orleans, our first visit there since Katrina. We’ve always loved New Orleans: the culture, the music, the food, the art and architecture. We enjoyed it all last week after spending the weekend in Memphis Tennessee where I did a parent seminar at Christ United Methodist Church Friday night, a men’s breakfast on Saturday morning and preached three services on Sunday. From there we took the train to New Orleans and really had a good time. Besides a really nice meal at Emeril’s, we heard some great jazz at a little club called the Spotted Cat. It only holds about 30 people inside, plus the bar and stage. We sat close to the musicians and just marveled at how blessed we were to be there. Here’s a sample which I shot on our digital camera:

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bordersI play banjo in a bluegrass band called Lighthouse and we play every first Wednesday of the month at the Friendly Grounds Coffee House in Santee (9225 Carlton Hills Blvd.) from 7 to 9 p.m. Come on out and see us sometime. It’s free and a lot of fun.

UPDATE: we are not playing at the Friendly Grounds any longer (as of January 2010). If you’d like to see if and when we’re playing or get more information about Lighthouse, visit our web page.

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Family Heirloom Fiddle

Last year I acquired from my Aunt Mabel (age 90+) an old fiddle that belonged to her father (my grandfather Clay Powers) and before that, her grandfather (my great-grandfather). Actually I didn’t know that any of our ancestors on the Powers side (my mother’s family) were musicians. I always assumed the music in my family came more from my father’s side.

The fiddle came in an old home-made wooden “coffin case” that was damaged and the fiddle was not in playing condition when I got it. Inside the fiddle body was an inscription “Antonio Stradivarius 1740” but it wasn’t really a Stradivarius violin. A google search confirmed that there were many Strad copies made in the 1800’s and almost all European violin-makers stamped the Stradivarius name on their violins.

Still, the fiddle looked nice (just needed repair) and it was a family heirloom. So I brought the fiddle home from Tennessee and had a luthier (violin-maker) in Bonsall restore it to playing condition. He also repaired the case. My plan was to give this treasure to my sister Mary (who plays fiddle) for Christmas but we didn’t get a chance to see her before Christmas this year … so I delivered the fiddle to her this past weekend and she was of course happy to get it.

The fiddle is not really in good enough shape to play regularly or in concert, but it sounds pretty good. Over the holidays I let the fiddle player in my bluegrass band, Tom Cunningham, play a couple of tunes on it just to see how it sounds. Marci shot a video:

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Welcome To Wayne Rice’s Web Page.

Yep it’s me, Wayne Rice. I’m in the process of creating a new website so “pardon our dust” during the construction phase.

Meanwhile, here are some links to things I do:

For HomeWord parent seminars like “Understanding Your Teenager” go to

For my bluegrass band Lighthouse, go to

For “Bluegrass Bios,” go to

For KSON’s Bluegrass Special, go to

To send me an e-mail, it’s [email protected]

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